Passende Antwort auf
„Kill Your child, then kill Yourself. You have thrown Your life away, there is no more future left for You, and Your child never ever even had one. You are a race traitor and You deserve nothing more than isolation and death. If You do it Yourself, You decide if it hurts or not. If You leave the decision to us, it may hurt a lot. Go die Nigger bitch.“
IB fehlt!
Das hier z.B.:
Passende Antwort auf
„Kill Your child, then kill Yourself. You have thrown Your life away, there is no more future left for You, and Your child never ever even had one. You are a race traitor and You deserve nothing more than isolation and death. If You do it Yourself, You decide if it hurts or not. If You leave the decision to us, it may hurt a lot. Go die Nigger bitch.“
zwei monde sind ersatzteilmonde da der mond eine art intergalactic-leuchturm ist
muß man wissen